Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The First Last Day

This summer I got a little crazy and decided to work four jobs. I know...what was I thinking right? I honestly did not know how I was going to make that work all summer, and at times it was VERY hard to schedule (sorry Jacki!) and, of course, I essentially had no life this summer because I was either working, working out, or sleeping (that's really not much of an exaggeration). But, somehow, I managed to make it work. And it was all worth it! For those who don't know, I work full time as a nanny, I'm a cashier at Star Hardware, I babysit for another family, and I work the front desk on Tuesday's at Pole for the Mind, Body, and Soul. 

So, as summer comes to an end, so do my jobs. To kick off my jobs ending, today is my last day at Pole for the Mind, Body, and Soul. I am honestly so glad I had the opportunity to work here! It was a pretty low maintenance job, I got to meet some awesome people, and I got to work out while having fun! (Which was also convenient because there was NO way I could swing a gym membership this summer).  I am so happy that I got the opportunity to meet all of the wonderful people at the studio--not even just the girls who work there, but also the clients that come in for classes. It's such a great environment because, let's face it, it's hard to go into a pole class and not make an ass out of yourself while learning something new. But the great thing about the studio is that it's a completely judge free zone. Nobody will judge you, as long as you're giving it your all because we've all been there. I honestly had so much fun at every class I went to. 

I'll still be in the studio a couple more times before I leave, but I decided to write about the fact that today is my last day because it's so surreal to me. Little things keep happening that continue to make this entire thing more real in my head. It's hard to wrap your brain around the idea that you'll be leaving to a foreign country for four months when it's still so far away, but as it get's closer and closer, it's the little things that continue to make it real for me and my last day at the studio is definitely one of those things.  

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Time to Get a Little Sentimental

So, I was going to catch up on some sleep before I have to be up for work in the morning, but that wasn't happening, so I thought I'd leave you guys with one more post :) Why  not right?

I want to dedicate this one to my family:

 I know as you scroll through the pictures you may be thinking to yourself, "Damn, that's a good looking family". Well, you'd be correct on that one. But my family isn't just good looking, they're also the best people I could have asked to have in my life. 

Since I was little, my parents have instilled this sense of wonder and adventure in me (Papa King and I are pretty well known for our adventures) and I can't say how important that has been in my life. As I  
prepare for what is coming in the near future with this trip, it's because of them that I know I don't have to be afraid and that whatever is thrown my way can be taken care of. The world is not something to be afraid of, it is something to be explored, discovered, and embraced. 

Aside from having parents that instilled this sense of wonder in me, they are also the most supportive people I could have asked for. I know of a couple of people who's families didn't like the idea of their children studying abroad because it seemed scary to have them alone overseas. If my parents have this same fear, they sure are good at hiding it. From the day I got accepted to Endicott, I knew that I wanted  
to study abroad, and I was lucky enough to not even have to convince my family that this was a good idea. From the day I mentioned it, my family fully supported this dream of mine. 

As for my brother, Jake, he has been there through everything for me. If I have a problem, he's the first person I call to talk about it. Every fear that I've had about this trip, he has been the first one to hear about it. He's also the best at making me feel better about everything. He turns all of my fears into opportunities and reminds me constantly that I need this in my life because I may never get an opportunity as amazing as this one. 

For those who have heard me talk about my family before, you probably know that I could brag about them forever. We may drive each other crazy sometimes, but I would not have it any other way. My family is constantly pushing me to new limits, and always continues to inspire me. I cannot put into words how thankful I am to have these people in my life.

Viva la Vida!

Hello All!

So, I've gone and made myself this fancy little blog to pretty much get everything out there while I'm abroad. So what's the first thing I should post about? The answer is clearly about everything I'm thinking and feeling about this trip up to this point because I don't think I've ever had this many emotions at once in my entire life. First of all, I am BEYOND excited. That's really an understatement. I'm about to embark on the biggest adventure of my life and I could not have asked for this to come at a better time in my life. I just feel like I'm in a place where I can really enjoy, appreciate, learn, and absorb all that Europe has to offer me. But at the same time, I'm absolutely terrified. Which is also hard to explain because I keep trying to look at all of my fears as opportunities at the same time. For example, I don't know anybody that I'll be traveling with, but that's just a chance to meet a LOT of new, awesome, fun people. I think my real fears are coming from the small details--what if I miss the shuttle to the hotel when I get there? Or, what if I can't find my classes on the first day? It's weird, but it's the small things that are making me the most nervous about the whole thing.

There's just so many things running through my head. I'm sure as it gets closer, this will all just intensify, but I can't wait for that. I guess what I'm most excited about is the sense of empowerment I'll have from studying abroad. After going to a foreign country for four months by myself, I feel as though I will be able to do anything, and that's pretty awesome.

September 8th just can't get here fast enough. 21 days and counting :)